Sunday Evening Mind Dump

In 10 years of ministry I don’t remember feeling as sick to my stomach as I did this morning. It was so bad I went into my office and tearfully prayed for God to take over. I couldn’t concentrate and was doubled over with pains in my gut.

On the other hand, I was bound and determined to get this message out.

I lost, God took over.

Always better.

  • It’s always good when the body of Christ remembers Jesus’ sacrifice for us through the powerful sacrament of communion.
  • Loved the music today! It was a hand and glove fit to the message of the most important week in history!
  • The visuals from the Passion of the Christ drove it home like few other message helps can but it truly was the presence of God Himself that made today so special. We have so many thing in our culture that compete for our attention—trivia really. It’s nice to see the message that matters most break through all our defenses and force us all to consider the sacrifice, mercy, grace and forgiveness of Jesus. The price to purchase us was unfathomably high—too high really. So glad Jesus went through with it!
  • We announced the results of our Impact/first fruits giving this morning! We blew it out! Asked God for $100,000 in cash above and beyond the regular tithes and offerings—ended up with $135,000 and counting (It’s still coming in!). Added to our offering and the day was closer to $200,000! Way to go, Brookies! Now pray that we will make wise decisions as we staff and prepare for future IMPACT by marking our body, the community and the world!
  • Already feeling better—weird, huh? It’s as though God was saying, “I got this one, Rob—step aside and see Me move!”
  • And He did!
  • Fresh wind doesn’t begin to describe what God is doing at Southbrook Church these days!
  • Remember to invite, invite, invite to the Easter services next week. Why don’t you plan on using the E-vites from our website? Could it be any easier? I submit that it cannot!
  • Let’s pack the campuses for Jesus and expect God to do great big things!