Take Away #7

Preach the word of God. Be prepared in season

or out of season , whether the time is favorable or not.  

2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV/NLT)

Rob was a Mayan Village Street Preacher.  Seriously!  While we were

presenting the gospel in the village of X-cabil to the children, Rob noticed

a small gathering of Mayan men and teenage boys who were on the

outside looking in.  You could tell they were very curious about all the

attention the children were getting:  new shoes and socks, puppet show,

skits and good Bible teaching, not to mention the games, books and candy. 

Rob would not let this opportunity pass.  He grabbed Omar, one of our

translators, and walked over to the men.  Rob arranged for the Mayan

men to get a new pair of shoes.  Then he went on to share the Good

News of Jesus.  The crowd grew as Rob told the men God’s plan for

salvation for each of their lives.


Every one of those men put their trust in Jesus right there on the street

that day.  Imagine the rejoicing in heaven!  And what strong leaders,

fathers and husbands these men will now be with Jesus living at the

center of their lives!


This “street preaching” wasn’t part of the program.  It wasn’t even

necessarily convenient.  But Rob was obedient to follow God’s Word,

and God brought fruit from Rob’s faithfulness. 

It was another lesson for me.  I had the life-changing message of Jesus

to share with these villagers, with everyone we met, whether it looked

like the right time or not.  That is what God calls us to do.  And then we

trust Him for the results.


Take a look at the pictures below:



































