Take Away 4

Here is Take Away 4 of our trip to the Mayan villages in Mexico and the 4th blog taken away (stolen) from my wife’s great blog!

Las abuelas son muImg-2735-small 1y especiales.  (The grandmothers are very special!)

I fell in love with the grandmothers.  The Mayan grandmothers are very involved in family life.  They carried the younger children everywhere they walked and stayed near by to make sure the children got the right shoe size.  They looked out for the children’s well-being and safety.

The grandmothers had brown, crinkly faces and were quite short.  Most held back their smiles when we took their pictures because they wanted to appear dignified.  One Abuela in particular brought many smiles to my face.  She danced with me during the puppet program, asked for a piece of candy for herself, and laughed when we flicked a little water from the foot-washing bowl on her hot, tired feet.

Several times, as I prayed with the children, I glanced up to find the Abuelas standing close with their heads bowed, eyes closed and hands folded, softly praying along with me in their native tongue.

It was a beautiful reminder that a mother’s influence and importance never ends.  Even when our children are grown and have children of their own, our “mother” role continues to offer a stable rock for the foundation of a healthy Christian family through our love, our prayers and through the care we give.


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