Mock Around the Clock

One of the most popular topics among Christians is, “When will Jesus Return?” And, honestly, who can blame us? Heaven is certainly a better place than earth—Jesus more worthy to follow than any human leader, perfect health better than sickness, no more tears better than heartache. Being with Jesus in heaven is just, well, better! So, naturally we want to talk about it—long for it, dwell on it, obsess about it, and some even spend their time trying to predict it—not a good idea in light of this scripture,

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25:13

Jesus also says that even He doesn’t know—only the Father knows. So when our heavenly Father gives the green light, it’s ‘a go!’

But aren’t there some things that we can know?


2 Timothy 3:1, But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

Acts 2:17, ‘In the last days,’ God says,‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy.Your young men will see visions,and your old men will dream dreams.

2 Peter 3:3, Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.

The Bible points to other signs of the Lord’s eminent return such as; wars and rumors of wars, increase in earthquakes, the love of many will grow cold, and several others but the one in 2 peter 3:3 caught my attention today, “scoffers will come (some translations say, ‘mockers,’), mocking the truth and following their own desires.”

Nay-sayers have always been with us but, is it just me or is this particular brand of fool on the increase? It seems to me that making fun of Jesus and Christians is by far the number one past time of comedians, media, TV Dramas, university professors, certain political figures and ordinary secular humanists everywhere. And they aren’t just doing it—they’re doing it 24/7! It’s non-stop with these people. They mock around the clock!

How is a Christ follower to react to all of this?

I’ll give you my thoughts tomorrow.

For now, don’t forget about the Midweek service—just a few hours away—as in TONIGHT! After a abbreviated  lesson we will then gather the leaders of Southbrook for S.A.L.T.. If you are a current leader or would like to get involved in leadership at SCC, come check it out! Child-care is provided!

See you tonight!