Making a Difference

Thought I’d share a facebook message I got from some recent visitors to Southbrook Church and let you all know how much of a difference you are making! They asked to remain anonymous so…no names—just encouragement!

Pastor Rob

I just experienced my second Sunday @ Southbrook and I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you for everything that you are doing for the community and for your inspiring words.

I was raised Catholic, but in a family of Christmas and Easter church-goers. As I got older, my interest in the church dwindled and I met my wife who had never so much as set foot in a church. I didn’t really understand what God was all about, and my memories of going to church consisted of “stand up, sit down, do this, do that, eat this bread, and so on…” so my desire to go back was nil.

We have been married now for 7 years and have brought 2 beautiful children into this world (they are now 5 and 1). Recently though, I have felt as if there was something missing, although I had not been able to put my finger on it.

Around Christmas time, on my quest for some holiday tunes, I stumbled on to New Life 91.9. They, of course, played their share of Christmas music, but I couldn’t ignore the positive message that this station was delivering.

My wife and I tossed around the idea of seeing what church had to offer, if nothing else than to expose our children. We claimed to be Christians, but found that our collective knowledge of the faith could fit into a thimble.

I was fairly certain I didn’t want to go back to a Catholic church, so I began looking for something a little more “come as you are” and contemporary, but also with a strong children’s program.

We made the decision to try out Southbrook, and on Jan 10th, my family went to church for the first time together. Our first impression was in the children’s ministry when we dropped our kids off for their respective classes. I was overwhelmed by the hospitality and immediately felt comfortable with leaving them and moving on to see what else Southbrook had to offer. Upon setting foot in the main auditorium, I knew that we had stumbled on something unique and was very excited.

By the time the first song was over, my wife and I were in tears. A flood of emotions took over both of us. For her, I think it was possibly regret for having never exposed herself to anything like that. For me, it was a feeling of “how could I have been so blind” and “where has this been all my life?”

Your sermon was enlightening. Having listened to sermons in the past, I expected to be bored and confused. I didn’t want yours to end! You are a very inspiring speaker and have a way of speaking to both Christ Followers and Christ Seekers. For now, I suppose we fall in to the latter.

I dusted off an old bible I had and my wife bought one for herself. On week two, we both took communion and had a rather emotional experience together as we listened to you once again.

We attended the Newcomer’s Lunch and were blessed to have you enjoy some chicken at our table. It was really great to meet you and I look forward to learning more and more about our faith and getting involved in this church. We are hooked!

I know this was a lengthy note, but I wanted you to know how inspiring our experience at Southbrook has been. Thank you for opening our eyes!


See how one church can make a difference—a HUGE difference in the lives of others?!

Keep knocking it out of the park Brookies! You’re the best!