Laying the Ground Work


I love sharing with the Southbrook family at the Midweek service. I must admit, I missed it these past few years. Even so, this difficult subject has settled in to a journey not for the feint of heart. As I looked out over the crowd—which was a little bigger than the first week—I thought, these folks are the ones who really want to see God move in a mighty way. They are willing to hear the tough things, be challenged in areas most choose to ignore and commit to the long haul.

That’s good, because that is what it takes to overcome what I think is the number one side-liner of Christians today—period.

Last night felt a little like class work from seminary days, but we’ve got to get this stuff. We just have to. And if it feels like I’m speaking cryptically, then please go here (to the Southbrook Website) and click on the podcast link in order to hear the first Midweek message (and catch up). It lays a foundation for this journey that you simply must have in order to have victory at the end of the road.

I know. I know…cryptic. Just click and you’ll see.

And I’ll see you this weekend and next Wednesday as both journeys (Midweek and the Gospel of John) continue!

More pictures from Midweek…




















