Sold Out!

Charge the hill

Good News! The bus is booked for the April Gettysburg Trip!

Bad news. Several of you are saying you still want to go. If you are in this group than here’s what you need to do—yesterday. Go to and sign up for the waiting list. Mike Harvey told me today that there might be some room if a couple guys shift to the June trip. But move fast! This is all I can do for you—miss this opportunity and there will be nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth!

This trip will be OFF THE HOOK! I’m thrilled to be going with the men and future men of Southbrook Church!

More pictures from last year:

Confederate dressed up




















Gettysburg Pickett










Group Shot
















* Brookies, plan on joining us this Wednesday evening for the “Midweek” service! We started with a bang last week when twice as many showed up as we anticipated. People were hungry to go deeper in their faith and eager to see what God has next for them. That’s awesome! And that’s what midweek is for! Come get your marching orders from God this Wednesday!

Cya then!