Spiritual GPS

Whereami_Let’s begin with the assumption that everyone wants to grow spiritually—a bit of a leap really but we’ll go with it. And if you really want to grow in the Lord, then you need to be able to see progress I would imagine. So, we all need to start with where we are nowtoday—this very moment.

Are you a brand-spankin new baby believer? One hundred and twenty one people were added to God’s family less than a week ago at Southbrook. They fall into this category. So, for these individuals the road is pretty simple (if not easy). They need to begin to learn the very fundamental truths about Christianity. They need to establish the spiritual habits today that will assure their continued maturation into the future. In short, they need to start practicing the spiritual habits now that will find them growing into the man or woman that God shaped them to be. Things like:

  • finding a good church
  • getting into a life-group
  • reading from God’s Word to hear from Him each day
  • increased time in prayer—talking to God—also, every day
  • Discovering their spiritual gifts and using them to serve others


But everyone—young or old—brand new or seasoned—the real location software activates in tough terrain. I like how John Bevere says it in “The Bait of Satan.”

“Trials and tests locate a person.

They determine where you are spiritually.” 

Well, how in the world can tough times and problems, obstacles and challenges do that?

Stick with me. This will be a short series.