Is it just me, or do most politicians walk around with their finger in the wind to see which way the breeze of public opinion is blowing?
It’s not just me.
And now pastors are joining the “conviction by the weather forecast” club.
- Can we preach that? Sure, it’s the ‘in’ thing.
- Don’t talk about ‘X, Y, or Z’ those things tend to divide and offend. Never mind the fact that Jesus talked about X, Y, and Z all the time.
- Is this cool with Oprah, Dr, Phil or Obama?
- Or, slightly closer to home—will this get me in with the latest conference gurus, blog superstars or Outreach magazine?
- How do I look? Vs. How do we make Jesus look?
I could add so much more, but I’m feeling sick so I’ll shift gears.
Sadly, this is a growing trend where people in ministry seem to be most interested in building their own little fiefdom than they are the Kingdom of God.
However, on a hopeful note there are rising preachers of conviction and faith right alongside the cheesy self promoters—and this refreshing crop seem interested in promoting Christ and Christ alone. Today I want to honor a few of them.
Check them out!
- The home of Mark Drisscoll
- The church where Matt Chandler pastors
- Alister Begg
- Andy Stanley
- John Piper
- James McDonald
- Francis Chan
- My friend and evangelist, Clayton King
Not all by any means, but that should keep you busy for a while.
And a word to the self promoters, try taking your finger out of the wind and stick it in God’s Word instead.
Just a thought.
BTW, I thought of listing some of the guys to avoid, but thought, why promote them in any way? Also, I don’t ultimately know their hearts? Before God they will stand or fall and that’s not up to me to judge.