Last Minute Items

Hi Gang!

Pastor Rob here. The last two weeks could not have been more opposite.

First, 2 weeks ago we blew it out at our Southbrook Monroe campus with 307 folks–many of whom were first time guests. Thanks again to everyone who helped make it such a special day!

However, the very next weekend the Tsunami of 09 hit and attendance was down at churches all over North Carolina–including Monroe. Long story short–don’t forget the momentum and excitement of what God is beginning to do through Southbrook Monroe. If you live in the Monroe area consider joining them tomorrow at 11:00 and continuing the movement!

Secondly, remember that the clock is to be set one hour ahead tonight!

YES, tonight. We lose an hour of sleep. Why don’t you go ahead and reset them now and we’ll see you in the morning at one of our locations.

Expect God to do great things!

Pastor Rob