Found – Part 3 of ‘Hide and Seek’

Bottomline, this is what we’re all after, right? We want to find God and be found by God.

Preferably both.

But we make it harder on ourselves by approaching Him in a way that makes sense to us rather than the way He said we must come to Him. And now is probably a good time to mention this…

God is not likely to bend on this one.

So, with all of that in mind, let me share with you from Henry Cloud on ‘seeking God’

If you do not know Him, then just seek Him. Whenever we seek Him, we are responding to His stirring something within us. So respond to that little voice inside, those thoughts, those wonderings. Talk to Him; tell Him that you are looking for Him. Talk to someone who can help you.

If you do know Him and cannot find Him right now, know this—that is normal too. Even if you feel like you are going through a “desert” experience and that God seems far, far away, know that in reality He is always near. Either there is some reason He is not doing anything at that moment, or He is doing something and you cannot see it. Though it may be distressing , it is a normal part of the spiritual life.

I couldn’t agree more. And I can personally say that I have been in the desert time and time again. I’m not a big fan of those times. They hurt and they are incredibly frustrating. But they are also some of the greatest times of growth as I usually find myself focusing on Him with greater clarity and pursuing Him with everything I’ve got. Or, to put it another way,

with all my heart.