That’s right, they made it. The occupancy was granted for us to have our 2 Christmas Eve Services at our New Facility in Monroe! The services will be at 3:30 and 5:30 today! I hope a lot of you Southbrook folks will plan on attending one of these to show your support. The services are completely different than the Weddington Campus, so why not hit both?!
The new location for today’s Christmas Eve services (at the MONROE campus) will be in the shopping center at 1410 Skyway Drive, Monroe, NC 28110.
(Between Creative Baskets and Maranatha Christian Books.)
See you there!
On another note of celebration 30 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ at our pre Christmas Eve services last night! God is already moving and the main tidal wave of people hasn’t even hit yet! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this wonderful Christmas Eve!
And one final thing—you need to keep voting for St. John’s Forest, “Neighborhood with the most Holiday Spirit” contest by Southbrook Community Church . For more details go here. The voting ends at noon.
The top three winners will be posted at the information table at our Weddington Campus tonight! Just bring some sort of address verification with you as you attend any one of the three services (at 3:30, 5:30 or 7:30) this evening. You just need to be able to show that the winning house (1st, 2nd or 3rd) is yours and you can collect your awesome prize.
We’ve had a lot of fun with this thing so we will probably extend it to many more neighborhoods (with more prizes) next year.
For more details, or to get in a final vote (vote just once, please) go to this link.
And I will see you all tonight!
* This just in! The winners are (drum role please!)…dadalutdadalutdadalut…
- Grand Prize: House ‘B’
2. 2nd Place: House ‘D’
3. 3rd Place: House ‘F’
Really, everyone is a winner who lives in St. John’s Forest! It looks like they have a blast with things like this. Thanks to all our neighbors at St. Johns for having so much holiday spirit!
See you all tonight!