The Spotter

Last night my daughter and I were watching the Olympics. She was really excited about seeing the women’s gymnastics competition. Now I have to admit, the power and acrobatic feats of some of these tiny women almost defy all logic. They were amazing and this was only the preliminary stuff!

As we watched, my daughter noticed something that I really didn’t pay much attention to.

She said, “Daddy, why does that man keep moving in so close while she’s doing her routine. She almost looks like she could run into him. Why is he there? He moves in and then he disappears. But he always comes back. So he must just go a few feet away.

Look, there he is again! What’s he doing?”

I said, “Juliana, he’s spotting her.”

What’s that?” she replied.

It means he is there in case she slips and starts to fall. If she misses on one of these extreme moves, she could get seriously hurt. He’s there to make sure that does not happen. He won’t interfere with her routine. He knows just how close to get in order for her to feel she’s in good hands.

I’m sure his presence helps all the competitors relax and concentrate on doing their very best—knowing they won’t get hurt.”

She smiled. The answer seemed to please her and she went on watching the competition with even greater interest.

Our heavenly Father is like that, isn’t he? He’s right there with us whether we see it or not—feel it or not. Didn’t He promise as much?

You can read about it here, and here, and here.

But my very favorite is Psalm 23.

1 The Lord is my shepherd;
      I have all that I need.
 2 He lets me rest in green meadows;
      he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    3 He renews my strength.
   He guides me along right paths,
      bringing honor to his name.
 4 Even when I walk
      through the darkest valley,[a]
   I will not be afraid,
      for you are close beside me.
   Your rod and your staff
      protect and comfort me.
 5 You prepare a feast for me
      in the presence of my enemies.
   You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
      My cup overflows with blessings.
 6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
      all the days of my life,
   and I will live in the house of the Lord

Now that you know you have God almighty as your spotter, move forward with confidence and do great things for Him!