We just wrapped up the series, “Tough Choices” and I believe it lived up to its name. Three weeks ago we discussed some tough choices we’ll have to make as a church family in order to see God bless us greatly for His glory.
Two weeks ago we took an honest look at some tough choices families need to make to not only survive this day and age, but also to thrive for God!
But today was the toughest of them all. All of us faced the toughest truth any of us ever face—are we truly in the faith? Do we really love Jesus or just give Him lip service.
In Mark chapter four (as well as two other places) Jesus tells the parable of the sower. It’s a sobering look at the condition of the human heart and receptivity to the life changing message of grace and mercy from Jesus Christ. Bottom-line? There are four different reactions. I suppose there always have been. Probably always will be. This parable (story) amounts to a “self examination” in which three answers all receive an ‘F’ and only one receives a passing grade (‘P’). Here are the possibilities:
- Some will reject the gospel out right!
- Some will receive it at first with joy—they do not last.
- Others will “give Jesus a whirl” but walk away before showing any fruit whatsoever, and…
- Some will embrace His love and forgiveness and go on to do great things for God.
The harvest has truly been blessed at Southbrook Church (1,100 saved last year alone!) but this weekend was extra special. This weekend wasn’t planned at all. Nevertheless, 56 people decided to get serious about Jesus and bent the knee to their Lord and Savior! I knew God was moving but didn’t realize how greatly until after the third of our seven services. I only regret not being as bold at the Saturday evening service or at 8:30. I should have cast the net then as well. Because these people stood for Christ in front of their families, friends, neighbors and the entire church. They meant business. You could sense the change, see the change—know for certain their was a transformation in these folks!
They’ll see fruit in their lives—of this you can be sure.
If you were one of them, God bless you! Your journey has just begun.
The best is yet to come!