A Break in the Storm

Today was one of the most intense and exhausting days I have ever had in ministry.

And I had it easy.

First I had to film our message for the Worldwide “One Prayer” event that will see well over half a million people worshiping as one and nearly a thousand churches participating. We got our video message (“Make us Engage”) out in just hours under the wire.

I guess next time I should look closely at the fine print that mentions something about a deadline.

No sooner did I wrap this up and pass it off to Mike Cruser to render and send over to Lifechurch.tv then I had to shift gears.


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At 3:00 pm we said our final goodbyes to the Sherland children, Ryan and Alyssa. This was truly one of the most difficult things I’ve ever seen in my life. A vibrant, athletic little 9 year old boy with big dreams and a precious, adorable little princess who stole everyone’s heart she ever came in contact with.

Two lives senselessly cut short.

Emotions are raw. People try to comfort. Questions swirl in our minds, and sometimes we’re not sure what we should think or feel. So we pay our respects to Ryan Sherwood and Alyssa Sherwood and cling desperately to God for a word of hope and encouragement. We remind ourselves that He is sovereign and that they are with Jesus in heaven.


God’s Word even tells us that God alone us able to bring good out of the very worst of situations—a perfect calm even in the midst of a raging storm.


Today, even if it was only for the briefest of moments, God did just that.


18 people gave their lives to Jesus Christ and are now apart of God’s family! Whenever someone crosses over from death unto life they are a new creature entirely. Adopted by God almighty.


That’s still the greatest miracle of them all.


And today we saw it 18 times and felt God’s perfect peace that passes all our understanding. We also made some great new friends from New Birth Church and New Life Fellowship. They showed us a whole new side of worship! I’m looking forward to joining both these churches for more ministry in the future.


Keep praying for the Sherland family—especially Conrad.