Last night I cruised on down to the city to Charlotte One to see Southbrook’s music team (Return) lead praise and worship.
In a word?
Awesome. You ought to check it out—but only of you are a single between the age of 18 and, say, 30 or so. I did see a few over 30 (like myself) and let’s just say they all had that Rodney Dangerfield look going.
Not good.
Anyway, check it out next Tuesday night at 7:00 PM. Or go to the Charlotte One website here, for details.
Now, back to “Friends with Benefits” Did you survive week one?
Sure you did. It wasn’t so bad afterall, was it? Well, now that we know the flow, what say we have a little fun with this series? I started this on Monday but most of you in blog world are still hiding your hilarious date stories. After seeing how many of our young people were at Charlotte One, I expect to see their stories come flowing in now.
Come on, chop, chop. Below is a repost of the details…
I want to hear YOUR stories throughout this series. Each week I’m going to giveaway a gift to the best one. At the end of the entire 4 week series we’ll be giving away a really cool gift for the best overall story shared the entire series.
So, let’s get this party started. For the first one I want all of you who have a “nightmare dating story” to share your awkward moment with the blogging world. It just needs to be something funny, embarrassing, humiliating—you know, all that fun stuff. But please, nothing inappropriate or I’ll just exersize my right to hit delete. So don’t even think about it. Keep it clean people.
Now, since most of these will be relationship deals of a ‘dating’ nature, let’s get more specific. For week number one I want to hear the most embarrassing “first date” or “blind date” story out there. And then, just as we did with the ‘embarrassing finance story” last week, we’ll pick a winner and give away a prize.
What is it?
You people are tough. Ok, ok, the first prize is a $10 gift card to Starbucks (so you can try another afternoon or morning date attempt), a $5 itunes gift card so you can get in that romantic mood by downloading a few Looooove songs, and finally a little help in the romance department with
The weekly prizes will be a bit smaller then the ‘big one’ at the end of the series, but still well worth a short post. Here are the rules for each contest…
1. You must have a blog.
2. Write a post on your blog that tells others about the “embarrassing date” — give us all the juicy details, please!
3. Include a link to
4. Have your post up by noon, Friday, February 8th.
5. Enter to win by linking at the bottom of Monday’s post, here. Please be sure to link the specific page that your entry post is on. Our pastoral staff will be reviewing the entries next weekend and I will post the winner on Monday, February 10th, 2008.