Final Frogger

I’m sensing a bit of froggy fatigue, therefore, I am going to tell you the last 2 things in one post.

Here are the final froggy fine-points:


3. Be committed to following Him, even in times of difficulty

Hardship and sadness are a part of life. There’s no getting around the disappointment and pain, but you do not have to become discouraged. You do not have to live without hope as so many do. Most of the time, the difficulties we face are also opportunities for God to show His faithfulness. Adversity is a powerful tool in His hand. God knew just how to use the personal disappointment and frustration in Moses’ life to train Him for his mission of leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. All those years that he spent in the dessert were a season of preparation for something greater. Don’t waste you life and time by storing up feelings of envy and jealousy. Instead, be grateful when God allows you to wait for His blessings to come. Trust Him, and in due time, you will experience His goodness in the best possible way!

Okay, one more (drum roll please)…

4. Ask the Lord to give you godly discernment and wisdom.

James tells us (right here) that we can ask God for wisdom is we feel we lack in this area. And the cool thing is that God loves to grant this request. He isn’t up there desiring for us to repeatedly hit our heads on the same walls, not learning the same lessons. He wants us to grow and mature…so ask!

Remember, getting blown to spiritual smitherings by the land-mines Satan places in our paths is ‘optional.’ Follow these four frogger techniques and you will make it safely home.

In better shape than you started!