No, I’m not confusing this well known phrase. I realize we usually think of the calm before the storm. It’s just that, with the Christian life, it’s almost always the other way around.
I’m thrilled to announce that this week has been one of the worst weeks of my life. Three cheers for spiritual attack!
Hip, hip Hurray!
Hip, hip Hurray!
Hip, hip Hurray!
Don’t ya just love it?
Neither do I. In fact, I hate it. It can be more bruising than 13 rounds with Joe Frazier. But you know what? In the Christian life it’s going to come. You can count on it.
Satan has attacked my family, my church family, and beyond. We’ve witnessed the loss of one of our own as Todd Hage went home to be with Jesus when his fire truck overturned in a tragic accident last Saturday. It’s just been a horrendously painful week.
I’ve sought out godly counsel, trusted friends (usually one and the same) and most of all, the Lord Jesus in navigating these difficult waters. I’ve asked the Lord to watch over our special, anointed weekend as I know with all my heart that the evil one would like nothing better than to derail what I believe will be one of the greatest weekends in SCC history as we witness many, many people who are far from God brought near through the grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
I hope that you all will join me in prayer as I search my heart for the right words to share at this community wide memorial service for Todd. May my words be the words of Christ and may the Holy Spirit bring the comfort that only He can to the Hage family and friends.
I also hope you’ll pray for the harvest this weekend. Pray that Satan won’t get one more inch of a foothold, and that the name of Jesus Christ will be lifted up and made famous among thousands.
And, lastly, don’t forget to move heaven and earth to get your loved ones to Southbrook this weekend.
Because God is going to show up in a BIG WAY!
That much is clear.