I hope you all are praying like crazy for March 10th and 11th! That is when Clayton King comes to town and this annointed man of God will deliver the gospel in a relevant way and God will move.
How do I know?
He always has.
Clayton has the spiritual gift of evangelism.
But I have even more exciting news than that — believe it or not.
Nearly every weekend we are seeing lots of people give their lives to Christ. The evidence that it is GOD ON THE MOVE is that it often happens when we seem to be on a totally unrelated topic (see last blog). But there’s a secret to all of this.
ALL topics at SCC lead to one name, JESUS. All sermons find their conclusion in one name, JESUS. ALL the answers to life’s dilemmas find their answer in one person…can you guess?
As long as I am the pastor this will never change.
Why should it?
The answer never does.