Champion of the Week

This week’s shout out has got to go to our unbelievable worship team members! Can anyone be missing the AWESOME talent and transparent hearts the Lord has STACKED us with at SCC?!

With so much giftedness at one place perhaps some are wondering if there are ever ‘ego’ problems. Wonder no more. This is the most selfLESS group of artists I have EVER seen. It’s also the most talent I’ve ever seen at one church — at ANY one place for that matter.

I’ve always been an Eagles fan, but would honestly rather go to a night of worship with our praise and worship teams than an Eagle’s concert ANYDAY!

That’s just one of the awesome things the Lord is up to @ SCC! And as long as the team keeps their eyes on Christ first, I believe you will see another movement emerge from here as impactful as PASSION.

You rock praise team!

Thank you, Dan, for all your hard work and leadership!