What I’m Reading

I love to read. I mean really LOVE TO READ! — to the tune of about 3 or four books a week. So, when a publishing dry spell hits the industry, I’m fit to be tied. About a year ago it seemed nearly the entire 12 months passed without a noteworthy offering. Where were the great books from Max Lucado? Rick Warren? Chuck Swindoll? Terry Goodkind? George R. R. Martin (anyone read his last offering? AAaagghhh! I would rather have slept 24 hours on a cold stone floor listening to a full day of “Nails on a Chalkboard” by ADHD, then had to read another chapter of the thing. I limped through the last few pages in worse shape than a 99 year old man 6 hours into the Boston Marathon). But then the tide began to turn again (it always does if you wait long enough).

I’ve read some really awesome books in the last several months — some for fun, some to grow, some to stretch my leadership and faith. Here are a few of them in no particular order;

“The Barbarian Way” More sophisticated than Attila the Hun, more effective than Hannibal and his army of elephant riding invaders. If ANY evangelical church truly lived this way they could charge Hell with water pistols and win!

“In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day”…This is similar to “The Barbarian Way” but a bit more tame. No Hun, oops, I mean, pun intended.

Multi-Site Revolution” Just happens to be where we’re headed. With SCC being a church that meets in a small box with A LOT OF PEOPLE and a boat load of services, you knew I was going to get here sooner or later. 🙂

“Confessions of a Pastor” Get ready to add the phrase, I can’t believe he really wrote that! to your list of outbursts. You’ll say it outloud more than once as you read through this very honest and REAL book.

“Confessions of a Reformission Pastor” You’ll never stop saying it as you read through this one!

“Blue Like Jazz” The one that gave me hope again when it came to an old oxymoron, ‘Christian writers.’ This guy broke the mold that had petrified over decades of mediocre christian books.

Rock on, Donald!

These are just a few of the books I’m reading. I’ll share more later.

See you all this weekend.

It will be a doosey.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Pray for me. I hate the message I’m working on (it just plain hurts to talk about — just being honest) and I love it (God’s Word never disappoints).

It’ll make sense this weekend.

Invite friends.

Bring Kleenex.