Hey Gang…There’s an AWESOME conference coming up at Newspring church (http://www.newspring.cc/) called, “Unleash.” The pastoral staff is already signed up and going, but it dawned on me that there might be some MP’s out there that would love to go to this thing and get even more FIRED UP for what God is doing and going to do at SCC!
So, what do you think?
Let’s do this the traditional way (it’s a tradition as of a month ago when I started it) and have you all go ahead and check out the website and get the details (cost, date, time, etc.) there then come back to this blog and ‘comment’ at the bottom whether or not you can make it. The more we get, the greater the BLAZE that will burn through SCC!
So, you in?
I’m serious, let me know. I’ll be up all night waiting, drinking coffee, visioniering, spontaneously combusting. You know, a normal night for me.
I anxoiously await your responces…
where are they?