Ok, I’ve been slack (which pretty much eliminates me as a candidate this week…Can you nominate yourself?). Anyway, this week’s shout out (late) goes to Suzi Pace, our fearless leader of women’s ministries. Suzi and her team put together a wonderful tea for more than a hundred ladies of Southbrook and beyond. The women are on fire (come on men, they are making us look bad!).
Seriously, I remember telling Suzi how awesome it was a couple of months ago when we had a great turn out for an event the ladies did…then they had an even greater turn out a month later…then this one beat them both! It was a wonderful morning of tea, crumpets (mmm, mmm…or so I heard) and inspiration from our own, Melanie Chitwood <-- thanks, Melanie! Ladies, keep it up. It shouldn't be hard with MP's (Mighty People) like Suzi leading the way!