Don’t Say I Never Give You Anything!

The response to Joe Sangl’s financial freedom talks were so positive, I decided to keep this thing going for a bit.

I also believe in stewardship PASSIONATELY myself so the more I can get people to understand God’s heart on this the better. One way is to get Joe’s book…


This thing can be read in about an hour and you’ll get a ton out of it! What I love the most is that it is written at a level that not only ANYONE can understand, but, more importantly, ANYONE can apply—immediately. If you’ve struggled in the area of finances, you need to get this. In fact, let me get this book in at least one person’s hands right off the bat.

Why don’t we have a little book giveaway contest.

It will require some vulnerability on your part, but your stories might really help others to know that they are not alone when it comes to difficulty managing money.

Here’s what I want to do…

Tell me your funniest/dumbest financial decision you ever made and I will pick the best one and send a free copy of Joe’s book to that person.

Are we all ready? Good.

Just reply via the comments link at the end of this post and write your short (or semi-short) blurb in there. It’s that easy. And, this is for everyone out there in blog landall readers, not just Southbrook Church.

Can’t wait to hear the stories!…I’ll pick a winner by Friday.

Oh, and don’t forget to include your name, so that when we pick a winner I will know who to contact!


Go! (start commenting)

* And don’t forget, again, my incredible wife is blogging now and it will be well worth tracking. You can read her first and second posts at,

Also, a lot of folks have told me that Friday’s post was very helpful for them to understand more about Southbrook and the way we are structured. If you haven’t read it you can do so here.