Keep Believing: Crying Out for Help

This has been a hard week. There have been devastating news reports regarding George Floyd, and there are countless people heartbroken and struggling all across the world. It’s my prayer that The Summit’s new series Keep Believing will encourage you. Take a look at Psalm 118:24. “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it” (NKJV). Whatever you’re going through right now, remind yourself that God is here with you! 

People have been asking a lot of questions recently, and some don’t even know what to believe. That’s what our New Normal series was all about—addressing questions about what we’ll be returning to. But to understand how things are different, you need to understand how you got here in the first place! 

I want to take you through the book of Habakkuk, who was the last of the minor prophets to preach in Judah. People had turned away from God, something that grieved the heart of King Josiah. In an effort to bring people back to God, he mandated people to seek the Lord. Unfortunately, he didn’t understand that outward motions don’t equal spiritual health! No one can legislate spirituality. Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Jeremiah called the people to TRUE spirituality. Sadly, an evil king (Jehoiakim) played a role in the degeneration of the people’s spirituality. 

Habakkuk is a good book to read through if you have questions about where God is in this pandemic, in the George Floyd situation, etc. “O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you will not hear? Or cry to you ‘Violence!’ and you will not save?” (Habakkuk 1:2, ESV). Are you crying out to God right now? Remember that His timing is different than yours, but it’s up to you how close you want to get to Him! And the closer you get to Him, the more you’ll feel His peace. Work on your spiritual health. Check back later this week—I’m going to talk about some of the specific issues people have (that you may be experiencing right now) and how to get some insight on those issues!