The New Normal – The Dos & Don’ts

The Bible is spoken of as a mighty weapon. Like all weapons, you have to know how to use it so no one gets hurt. This is why it’s so important to meditate on the Word of God. It’s not a good luck charm, but rather, it helps you reset your control switch. God is ultimately in control, something I hope you find comforting. When you understand and accept God’s position, it keeps you from giving into the panic and fear going on around you. 

Think about the new normal you’re facing (as well as the new normal you’ll face when the COVID-19 situation finally shifts). How can you be best prepared for this? THE WORD. Don’t fall prey to self-medicating, wasting time, living in dread, or obsessions. These things may bring temporary relief, but they’re destructive in the end.

Some people think Christians are too obsessed with prophecy, but the reason it matters to us is because one fourth of the Bible deals with it! It has a tremendous purifying effect on your faith and on your walk with God. After speaking about the coming of Jesus, John said, “Whoever has this hope purifies himself” (1 John 3:3).

Has this virus brought a lot of fear/panic to your life? Some people are obsessed with washing and cleaning themselves in order to be purified and protected against infections. What about purification of the soul? What should you do while you have “shelter in place?” Patiently establish your heart! Establish your heart in the certainty of His return by patiently spending time in His Word and in prayer.