Fear Not: Putting Your Trust in God in the Middle of a Pandemic

These are certainly trying times! Unless you’re living in an underground bunker, you’re acutely aware of the fear that has gripped the entire planted with the onset of this spreading virus. But it’s not just about the virus. It has created a domino effect. It’s spreading fast, the stock market has imploded, and the panic pandemic is greater than the actual pandemic. There’s hoarding, looting, selfishness, and even timidity in the Church. What can we do? Where can we turn? There are two extreme reactions to the pandemic. 

One reaction is to just go on with “life as usual” with complete blinders on. This is called underreacting. Another reaction would be to buy up all the toilet paper and soap—overreacting! Seriously, what should we all be doing at a time like this? I might not work in the medical field, but I do have access to the King of kings and Lord of lords—so let me show you how to have a faith-based perspective, straight from the Word of God. Through my recent travels (observing people with far less than others and with far greater fear) and through observing how things are shutting down left and right, I’ve come to a conclusion! 

I’ve found in times of crisis and panic, it’s best not to project out into the future. It’s always best to make wise decisions based on what we know today. And as disciples of Jesus, the filter that forms our decisions is different than that of the world. Why? Because we are not of this world (John 17:16) and not to be conformed by it. Don’t live like those who have no hope. The Bible is full of passages that remind you not to be afraid (fear not, be not afraid, don’t worry, be anxious for nothing, etc.). There are so many stories in the Bible where people are told not to fear at the most bizarre times (OT: Genesis 15:1, Genesis 26:24, Exodus 14:13, NT: Luke 1:30, Luke 12:7, Revelation 1:17, Luke 12:4). 

What’s the bottom line? We are not of this world! Do not be conformed by this world! Later this week, we’re going to walk through THREE WAYS WE ARE NOT LIKE THIS WORLD. If you’re home like so many others, try to take some time this week to read through the above scripture and put your trust in God!