Discipleship: Try It!

Are you ready to look at the six questions from Thursday? All of the questions are related to the Great Commission. Here we go! WHO—Who is called? Every follower of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is not just for pastors or leaders like Billy Graham. This was Christ’s universal call for all believers everywhere, for all time! For nearly 30 years, I’ve addressed many Christians who have been falsely taught that it’s the pastor’s job to spoon feed them until they’re 80-years-old. And while part of my role is to feed people just as a parent feeds a child, it’s also a time of training where people are then supposed to become self-feeders. If you want to go deeper, use the tools you have to press into God and study His Word! 

Let’s look at WHAT—What are you called to? You are called to make disciples! Go, run, and make disciples. God is the potter, molding His children like clay. WHEN—When are you called? You aren’t just called for one hour a week on Sunday morning at church. You’re called to make disciples as you’re going to school, work, taking the metro, playing golf, sitting on a chair lift, standing in line at the DMV, and just going about your life! You got it—you’re called to be a disciple every day in every way.

WHERE—Where are you called? To the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (NIV). HOW—How are you called to disciple? By baptizing and teaching. Why baptism? It’s not so important that you invent some new initiation/rite of passage, but it is vital that you submit to the Jesus’ commandment. Why teaching? Because people need to be taught, mentored, fed, and coached. 

And, finally, WHY—Why are you called to discipleship? Because Jesus died for you, and if you love Him, you will obey Him. If you’ve accepted Christ as your Savior and have a personal relationship with Him, you understand the love, peace, and purpose found in Him. This is something you should want to share with the world and is a chance to see others spend eternity with God. It’s about bringing glory to God. If you haven’t started discipleship, try it!