Filling the Gap

When was the last time you read through the Book of Genesis, specifically Genesis Chapter 1? This is the story of Creation! It’s in this chapter you learn that the gap—the time between two days—is really from evening until morning. A new day begins at midnight, but Scripture’s picture of a day starts when the sun goes down. That’s how the Jews reckoned time—from sunset to sunset, a 24-hour period, evening followed by evening. The miracle from heaven (manna from heaven) was in the evening and morning. This is significant because God provided nourishment at the times it was most needed. Some would argue that this kind of diet is actually the best for you!

Psalm 90:5-6 says, “You sweep people away like dreams that disappear. They are like grass that springs up in the morning. In the morning it blooms and flourishes, but by evening it is dry and withered” (NLT). Your whole life, from when you’re born until when you die, can be swept away. I don’t say this to get you down but to get you refocused. Shouldn’t you focus on forever? Revelation says there’s a blessing on those who read it (Revelation 1:3). You will be blessed by taking the Bible seriously and doing something during the gap time between evening and morning. Spend time with your family, have a healthy meal, and make sure SLEEP is a priority. 

When it comes to habits, why is it so difficult to change? It’s sometimes inertia (influence from an outside source). Much of the time, though, it’s about your foundation. It’s difficult to build a house without a foundation. The Bible talks about the importance of foundations over 60 times. Jesus Himself reserved whole parables for the discussion of foundations. What you build your house ON makes the difference in its ability to stand strong. Is your house built on Jesus, the rock? Or is your life spent with too little time with Him, not enough sleep, poor diet, etc.? 

“If we anchor our evenings and our mornings, then in the middle of the day, come what may, you’ve already had a great day!” (Levi Lusko) The gap is from evening to morning, and God created it! Use your time wisely when filling the gap.