It never gets old. I love seeing people from all walks of life—from brand new believers to seasoned veterans taking the many classes we offer at SCC. We have 101 for those fairly new to Southbrook (Discovering Southbrook), 201 (discovering the Spiritual Habits), 301 (Discovering my spiritual gifts) and 401 (discovering my mission).
I just pulled into the parking lot and the place is packed!
And let me tell you my fear…I had just realized that we scheduled our “Discovering Southbrook†class on the day of BOTH championship football games!!
What were we thinking?!!
No big deal, right?
Only the Patriots putting on a football clinic and going for the greatest undefeated season in football history and the Greenbay Packer’s Brett Farve having the most amazing year of his already amazing career.
So I was fully prepared to take my lumps and teach about Southbrook to the three people who showed—sort of my own personal purgatory.
Then I drive up to a full parking lot and one of the largest turnouts we’ve ever had! Friends, there were more people there today than most church plants have the first year! After preaching 4 times I needed something to get me pumped—you all brought it!
With this kind of momentum, it is indeed going to be an awesome year!
You rock Southbrook!
Here’s some shots…enjoy!