Marriage: Walking in Grace & Mercy

It was an honor to have my good friends Art and Lysa TerKeurst visit The Summit this past Sunday. While their story is known publically due to their positions in business and ministry, there may have been people at church who were unaware of all they’ve been through. Lysa shared the devastation she experienced because of Art’s unfaithfulness, something that she did not think could happen to them. Finding out what happened led to a form of shock, which prevents you from forming your own thoughts. As Lysa pointed out, that’s why you need God and why you need His Word! 

One of the hardest parts of going through a season like this is having to keep up with the day-to-day. Your family still needs you, you still have responsibilities at work, and you have your spiritual health to maintain. You have to remember that you belong to God, no matter what you’re going through and no matter what you’ve done/had done to you. One of the most impactful things Lysa said on Sunday was in reference to Art’s actions—“I know who you are, and this is not who you are.” Art now recognizes that Lysa was walking in grace and mercy during this time of their lives. He said, in reference to what Lysa did for him, “Stay in God’s grace and mercy so that you can give it back.”

If you find yourself living with any kind of guilt and shame, I want you to know that the worst thing you can do is isolate yourself. Art tried to isolate himself, but that’s something that makes it easier for the enemy to come after you. Instead of isolating yourself, seek out mentors who can surround you with encouragement and prayer. Even if you have to be honest about dark secrets, you’ll be glad that you didn’t try to go it alone. The TerKeursts pointed out that with physical illness a doctor tells you what you need to do, how long it’s going to take, and what it’s going to cost. But with spiritual/supernatural illness, you treat it with the supernatural. If you’re walking in sin, choose today to walk in righteousness! 

I’ll dive into the TerKeurst’s testimony more this weekend, but for now, remember that one of the ways God sees you through is by what He does to your heart. Lysa reminded us that God actually takes the heart out and puts in a NEW one. Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV) says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Don’t forget what Jesus did for you on the cross. No matter how deeply you’ve been wounded by a loved one, you can find healing in Jesus.