Love Like No Other: Understanding the Love of Your Heavenly Father

We wrapped up our Love Does series this past Sunday, and God moved in a powerful way. We saw several people make the decision to follow Christ! These people took John 3:16 to heart, which is the whole Gospel in one verse—a verse everyone should know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (NIV). Love without action isn’t really love. Jesus showed you true love through His sacrifice. 

You can be generous without being loving. But you can’t be loving and not be generous. God’s gift (Jesus’ sacrifice) was loving. He loved all of us so much that He gave the gift of His only Son. If you accept this generous gift, it’s yours! If you’ve ever wondered where love came from, know that God loved first! He loved you before you were interested in Him and before you were even born. Luke 19:10 (NIV) says, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Who does that include? Everyone! 

If you’re waiting around for God to start loving you, I want you to know that God loves you now! Humans are wired for love and are created in God’s image! If you haven’t responded to God’s love, you’re probably responding to something else that’s worldly. What should you do if you DON’T feel loved?  Remember that you’re still meant to be God’s. You’re still created in His image. Let this sink in—Jesus would have sacrificed Himself even if you were the one and only person He was dying for. 

God isn’t just launching a rescue mission; He’s launching a rescue mission that people are resisting. Jesus came to this earth to set your free RIGHT NOW, not sometime down the road. As you go through your day-to-day life, I want you to ask yourself who and what matters in this life. I also want you to ask yourself whose opinion matters. God’s opinion matters more; He LOVES YOU MORE than anyone else ever could. When you question that love, remind yourself—“God loves me just as I am.”