Trapped Again

Earlier this week, I explored some of the highlights from the sermon my son Nathan shared this past Sunday! Today, I want to continue looking at ways the enemy traps people and how to avoid these traps!

Much of this message focused on anger gone awry! Even though it was mentioned earlier this week that it’s important to keep anger from getting placed on the throne of your heart, how do you do that exactly? Ephesians 4:26 says, “And ‘don’t sin by letting anger control you.’ Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry…” Sounds simple, right? But as you know, letting go of even the smallest frustration before your head hits the pillow is challenging.

The simple truth is that acknowledging what or who you’re angry at, giving that anger to God, and asking Him to bring you peace goes a long way. There’s power in submitting to God and allowing Him to be in control of your emotions! Prayer changes everything, even the state of your heart. Speak truth over yourself and over your life.

Let’s look at a couple more traps, starting with THE TRAP OF THE DELUSIONAL PAST. Nathan pointed out that if you’re stuck in the past, you’re not going to enjoy the present. Enjoy the moment of today! Life is short and precious. You can spend it angry, or you can spend it joyful. “Say not, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For it is not from wisdom that you ask for this” (Ecclesiastes 7:10). You can’t relive that past. You only have the present and future to make the most of.

Look at THE TRAP OF THE HEARTFELT CURSES. This is a trap were people can say 100 good things about a person, but it’s that one bad thing that sticks with him. Don’t allow one small curse (that could even be a comment about your attire or appearance) overshadow far bigger, far better blessings! Focus on the good. Ecclesiastes 7:21-22: “Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you—for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others.”

Finally, there is THE TRAP OF TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. We all have relationships, some good and some bad. The bad ones can become toxic to the point of ruining aspects of our life. Some relationships just need to be nurtured; others need to come to an end (if that is how God leads). Your most important relationship is with God, and He’s the one who gives you your true name! “But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven” (Luke 10:20). God gives you a GOOD NAME, and you don’t need to be trapped by your past, curses that are thrown at you, or toxic relationships. You belong to God!