The Throne of Your Heart

The “Game of Thrones” is something that has been played for thousands of years, but it always has the same outcome—everyone loses! People look to power, possessions, etc. to place on the thrones of their hearts. What drives you to start your day? I’m sure you have days where it’s difficult to see meaning in what lies ahead. Solomon felt this deeply. “’Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher. ‘Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?’” (Ecclesiastes 1:2-3)

The book of Ecclesiastes is for you and for me. It teaches a lesson, the one Solomon learned on his journey to finding fulfillment. Ecclesiastes 1:13 says, “I decided to study and to use my wisdom to learn about everything that is done in this life.” This is a big step—going from finding everything meaningless to wanting to learn about everything. Solomon had been playing “musical thrones” trying to find happiness. When something didn’t make him happy, he’d just put something else on the throne of his heart.

Is this something you do, maybe on social media? You try to be “liked” and present a version of yourself that may be far from who you really are. Some people are always reaching for something they can’t have. A younger face. A younger body. Nothing you can do to yourself or for yourself can make you happy because those things are temporary.

One of the many ways Solomon tried to achieve happiness was through doing great things. “Then I began doing great things. I built houses, and I planted vineyards for myself…” (Ecclesiastes 2:4). Material possessions and other blessings are not bad in and of themselves. But when they’re idolized and placed on the throne of your heart they are bad for you. Keeping Christ on the throne of your heart and accepting that He alone can bring you happiness will do just that—bring glory and honor to God and happiness and peace to you!