How God Reveals Your Purpose

You have a calling on your life, even from birth. Jeremiah 1:4-8 reveals that God knew you BEFORE you were even formed in the womb. I can’t imagine anyone having such deep knowledge of who you are and what you’re capable of. Never think you’re too young or too old to have purpose and to live life with intentionality.

Genesis 50:20: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. While this world is full of evil, you can always count on God. His intentions are always pure, always perfect. That doesn’t mean life will be perfect but that you can rely on God to stay the same.

The fact that God has a purpose for you means He has a WAY for you to fulfill that purpose. The road may not be easy, but if He asks something of you, He’ll open doors for you. Look at the story of Easter and her calling. She knew she had been called for “…such a time as this…” (Esther 4:14). Even in a seemingly impossible situation, she saw a miracle happen. This is why I keep coming back to this story—it’s a picture of God calling one of His children, giving her the strength to answer that calling, and fulfilling His promises.

If you still have doubts as to whether or not you have purpose, you need to have a God encounter. In Acts 9:1-6, you see just that. Saul had turned his back on God, persecuting those around him. God called to him saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” You can see in this story that God didn’t give up on Saul but spoke to him so he could have an encounter. While God sometimes has to get your attention while you’re on the run, don’t wait that long! You need to spend time in prayer asking God to reveal Himself to you and to reveal your purpose.