Where to Go Next

Have you ever panicked thinking about what lies ahead? You can’t see into the future, and while you know what you’d like it to hold, there’s no guarantee it’ll happen. The Israelites didn’t know what the promised land would be like, and they panicked. They focused what they couldn’t see or understand instead of remembering that God keeps His promises. Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, But happy is he who keeps the law.” Don’t get ahead of yourself; let God reveal Himself to you, and in time His plan will also be revealed.

We live in an age of offence, protest, unrestraint—all unbridled (unrestrained) behavior! Between worrying about the future and being offended by everything, it makes you wonder if there’s a better way of living. The Bible says there is a better way, the Way of Life. “You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever” (Psalm 16:11). I can’t imagine any greater joy than the promise of being with God forever!

If you’re wondering if you can know God’s plan for your life, the answer is yes. You may not know the future (and sometimes not even understand what’s going on in the present), but God’s ways are perfect. The Bible says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” You don’t have to have every little detail of your life figured out to know that you were made to find God, find freedom, find purpose, and make an impact!

Anything you value in this life is less valuable than God. Is making God the most valuable thing in your life your next step? If so, you know where to go next—to God. He is waiting to have a relationship with you and show you how to use your life for His glory. This is your ULTIMATE PURPOSE. You just need to show up so you can let God show off! Little things become great when placed in the Father’s plan.