The New Normal – Keeping Your Focus

Are you finding it hard to lock in on the truth? There are so many contradictory messages circulating right now! This virus is the deadliest to hit planet earth vs. COVID is no worse than the flu. This should end soon vs. This could go on another two years. We’re closing in on a vaccine vs. We may not have a vaccine for five years.

This information confusing for anyone hearing it. But is the truth of what God wants as confusing? Or, is it as clear as the handwriting on the wall?I thought I knew what God wanted me to teach the church when I returned from Africa, but then COVID-19 hit. The writing on the wall that everyone seemed to see said disasterwas about to happen. And when you look closely at Daniel’s translation of what was written, we can see both a warning of coming punishment for Belshazzar and several key principles about how we are to live in the last days to avoid a similar punishment in eternity. Remember, Daniel is a prophetic book, and the handwriting remains on the wall for us today. The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s the inspired Word of God. 

COVID-19 should make you sit up and notice some things. If you don’t slow down and refocus on what matters most, you’ll lose something precious and irreplaceable. Read through Daniel Chapter 5, which is about how you should number your days. “This is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN” (Daniel 5:25, NIV). God created a language for this inscription, knowing that Daniel would be the only one capable of translating it. Daniel’s translation—and ours—zeros in on the fuller meaning behind the three words, the first of which is repeated. “Here is what these words mean: Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end” (Daniel 5:26, NIV). The Hebrew word that Daniel chose for his translation of God’s message, mene, literally means “numbered.” This is applicable for you—remember that YOUR days are numbered. Keep your focus on God!