The New Normal – What God Wants from You During This Crisis

God didn’t cause all of this, but He’s not stopping it. So what does He want from you? Do you need some answers on what you’re supposed to be doing?

Last week, we talked about Nebuchadnezzar and how he laid siege to Jerusalem. People wanted to know what to do, but they had spent years turned away from God. Out of about 20,000 people, you only see four of them have the question “God, what do you want from us?” answered.

While the current COVID-19 crisis is new for us, this is not the first time people have gone through something like this (think of the crisis the Spanish Flu caused). What people should do during a crisis and any situation is heed Micah 6:8, which says to walk in love, mercy, and humility, something I’ll discuss in more later.

Have you ever had a family meeting but had family members who didn’t show up? They weren’t even trying! Some people are doing this with their relationship (or lack thereof) with God. They don’t want to spend time in prayer or the Word, and because church is online, they decide to just completely disconnect. Shouldn’t eternity be important to you? The law of the Lord has power. If only we’d follow His ways! If only more than four people had followed the ways of God in Daniel. There are great rewards in keeping the decrees of the Lord (see Psalm 19:11)! 

What does God want from you? I’ve given you the answer right here; He wants you to cling to Him, stay connected to the Body, and walk in love, mercy, and humility.