When the Lions Roar: Having a Plus One, Being a Plus One

Earlier this week, I left you with the task of taking some time to think about who could help disciple you and who YOU could disciple. I hope you had time to think through this! Today, let’s walk through Pastor Ernie’s question from this past weekend—“How do we help one another win our biggest battles?” The answer is simple. You take responsibility for the sinful condition and restoration of others (remember Galatians 6:1-2).

If you’re still not sure what true discipleship looks like, read on! I want to recap the qualifiers Pastor Ernie shared. 1) Be spiritual. It takes someone spiritual to help another person become spiritual. You can’t tell someone to be godly and then turn around and be ungodly. Set the example! 2) The goal is restoration. The goal is NOT punishment. 3) Be gentle (because you know the lion’s roar personally yourself). You’re able to relate to others because of the battles you’ve already faced. Who can you reach out to and help take responsibility for battles? 

While you should always be open to and pursuing discipleship, you have to guard yourself from the sinfulness of the other person’s sin. Pastor Ernie made a great point when he said you don’t have to participate in someone’s sin to understand it or to be a disciple. Don’t worry about not knowing enough to help people. God will direct you in what to say and pray. Graciously, courageously, and lovingly do for others what they cannot do for themselves. 

There are three common, sinful scenarios Pastor Ernie brought to light, all of which require spiritually gentle responses. 1) Caught in a sin but don’t know it. 2) Caught in a sin but you are the only one that knows it. 3) Caught in a sin and everyone knows it. Always be willing to tell people the truth about their lives, but do it in LOVE! Have a PLUS ONE in your life to help you slay lions, and be the PLUS ONE in someone else’s life.