Jesus: The Savior of the World

A couple of days ago, I explained a bit about who Jesus is. Let’s take a look at a few more things here to help you see He’s so much more that a baby in Christmas stories! He is the exact representation of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3)! The phrase “exact representation” comes from the Greek word charakter, from which we get the English word “character.” Jesus shares in the character of God. This word was used for the impression made by an engraving tool when it was stamped into metal in order to make a coin. The image on the coin was precisely the image on the engraving tool. Jesus is stamped with the image of God!

What else is Jesus? He is the sustainer of all things! Jesus is the glue holding things together. Even now, Jesus is sustaining the whole universe. All things hold together in Him, for Him, and by Him. He is the only thing that’s going to keep your world from falling apart when you’re going through a difficult season. Doesn’t it make sense that your Creator knows and understands you better than anyone else ever could?

Finally, I want you to remember this about Jesus—He is your Savior! He offers the gift of salvation, and it’s up to you to accept it. Who’s that baby? He is the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus can help you find peace during this busy Christmas week. 

If you desire to know more about Jesus, what He did for you, and why He did it for you, start by reading through the Word of God and holding onto His promises. The Christmas season is a perfect reminder of how God sent you the gift of His Son. Merry Christmas!