The Benefit of the Doubt: Choosing to Walk by Faith

Isn’t it amazing to think how Jesus went from manger to majesty? It was hard for some people to believe that a small child could fulfill the prophecy of a Savior. The first chapter of Matthew signifies that heaven had hit a dead end. Joseph and humanity were at a dead end as well! The law wasn’t enough—it was to show us that we can’t keep the laws and get to God. We need a Savior. And what Joseph had to learn through the birth of Christ is that sometimes what we have in MIND is not what God has in STORE.

When it comes to doubt, it’s important to examine the life of Jesus’ earthy (though not biological) father Joseph. Read through Matthew 1:8-25. Can you imagine what it’d feel like to have an arranged marriage, to find out that your betrothed is pregnant yet claiming to be a virgin, and that she has been impregnated by the Holy Spirit? God asked Joseph to do something for Him but didn’t give him any PROOF that what Mary said was true. The benefit of the doubt had to come into play here. 

Not only did Joseph have to give Mary the benefit of the doubt, he had to trust that God knew what He was doing. If you look through the Bible, you’ll see that Joseph was dealing with a lack of proof and possibly a lack of feeling. I can’t find anywhere in Scripture that says Joseph at least felt good about his situation. Again, he had nothing to go off of but faith! 

When something challenging and confusing comes your way, there’s nothing wrong with asking God to help you understand things. But you have to remember that He works in miraculous ways that you can’t always understand. Sometimes you have to give Him the benefit of the doubt and walk by faith. If you find this difficult, just look back at history and your own life. Hasn’t He always come through?