Game Over

Toward the end of Ecclesiastes, it’s clear that Solomon felt he was getting closer to GAME OVER. Even though “Game of Thrones” is something everyone plays (struggling with whether or not to put God on the throne of their heart or things of this world), it takes some people longer to figure out what they’re doing wrong. Solomon was one of those people.

This game we play always ends in death. But when you realize that you can spend an eternity with Christ, death isn’t something morbid but something beautiful. Sometimes you have to think about the unthinkable! People don’t always acknowledge that this game is going on and can’t or won’t face the reality of death. Ecclesiastes 12:13: “The end of the matter, all has been heard. ‘Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.’” You can think of “the matter” as the “Game of Thrones.” It’s important to honor and respect God, always keeping Him on your heart!

Keeping God on your heart is living in wisdom, and wisdom is better than folly! Have you heard “A blind person who sees is better than a seeing person who is blind”? How true this is! Physical eyes only help you see in the physical world; it’s spiritual eyes that will help you navigate through life and walk in wisdom.

Solomon came to the conclusion that the meaning of life is found in fearing God and serving Him. Never wait until “tomorrow” to serve Him. Sometimes people tell themselves they’re just going to play the “Game of Thrones” one more time and THEN they’ll follow God. This is similar to what addicts do. They say, “I’m just going to have one more drink.” They think that something will be different. Nothing will be different until you dosomething different!