Trapped: Falling Prey to the Many Traps of the Enemy

We’re in week three of our Game of Thrones series here at The Summit. I had the privilege of hearing my son Nathan give an incredible message titled “Under the Throne.” In exploring the things that people place on the thrones of their hearts, he pointed out that everyone has an appetite for something, whether that be for God or for wealth (or some other idol). Unfortunately, people identify blessings as burdens, and place the frustration that results from that on their hearts. Your family becomes frustrating, you turn that frustration into anger, and you now have anger ruling your heart!

Take a look at Ecclesiastes 6:1-2: “I have seen another evil under the sun, and it weighs heavily on mankind: God gives some people wealth, possessions and honor, so that they lack nothing their hearts desire, but God does not grant them the ability to enjoy them, and strangers enjoy them instead. This is meaningless, a grievous evil.” It’s important to BE WISE with what God has given you. Nathan mentioned several traps that the enemy ensnares people in. Let’s explore a couple of these traps.

First, there is THE TRAP OF FOOLISH ENJOYMENT. While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying life, you can take things too far (food can result in gluttony, a flexible schedule can result in misuse of free time—the list goes on). Indulging in the good things in life will only turn those things into idols. Learn to put God first, be thankful for what you have, and find joy. Just be careful to not lose sight of God along the way.

There is also THE TRAP OF THE UNRESOLVED ANGER. Relationships—while good—can become frustrating, result in anger, and ultimately result in not being able to enjoy life at all. Just as I discussed above, something as “simple” as being angry at your family can get placed on the throne of your heart and rule your life. Who wants to live like that? You would be wise to abide by Ecclesiastes 7:9, which says, “Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.” This isn’t to say that anger has no place in life but that it should have no RULE over your life! Nathan was driving home the point that God should have full reign of your heart and life, something we’ll further explore later this week!