What it Means to Be Wise

“Then I decided to think about what it means to be wise or to be foolish or to do crazy things” (Ecclesiastes 2:12). This is another part of the journey to keeping Christ on the throne of your heart. The world will tell you that sin is fun and that you should enjoy it. Well, sin is fun but only for a season! In some cases, the happiness gained from sin turns into guilt and shame immediately. Thus, you have the unhappy discovery!

Solomon eventually saw the error of his ways. He acknowledged that, despite being a wise and wealthy king of Israel, he couldn’t rely on just himself. Ecclesiastes 2:13 says, “I saw that wisdom is better than foolishness in the same way that light is better than darkness.” God is the One to bring light into your life. While there are other things and people who make your life richer, those things wouldn’t even be there without God and His beautiful creation!

While Solomon is known for both his wisdom and his great sins, he paves the way for the rest of us. Sin leads you further away from God, further away from happiness, and leads to darkness. Being wise does not excuse a person from using that wisdom for God rather than self-gain. Despite the great things that Solomon did for his kingdom, he abused his power and lived in immorality. Think about the spiritual gifts and talents God has given you. Don’t walk away from the plans God has for you in an attempt to please yourself.

Never forget that Jesus came that you might have an abundant life (John 10:10)! Time here on earth is so short and precious. Understanding what things in life will pass away (like those good looks you’re worried about) and what things have an eternal impact (helping bring people to Christ) will get you on the right path! The book of Ecclesiastes is such a gem, and taking some time to read though it this week will bring you great insight!