Commitment: Mean It So You Don’t Have To Repeat It

For the second Sunday in a row, our church had the honor of hearing from one of The Summit’s overseers! Pastor Scott Weatherford and I have a long friendship history, and it was a blessing to have him pour into our church.

It was fitting that Pastor Scott talked about dreams, as it ties in with what we explored last week. His sermon “Re-Dream: Commit to the Dream” was a reminder to focus on KEEPING our commitments and holding onto our dreams, rather than renewing them over and over. Renewing commitments does happen, and it’s a good step to take if you’ve lost your way. But it’s far better to hold true to commitments from the start.

I love this: “What God does never catches God off guard.” He sees things in light of eternity and knows what He’s doing. Joshua 3:1-3 is an encouragement to follow God. As Pastor Scott said, “When you see God move, move with Him!” He shared a bit of his story with us—he accepted Christ at age seven, knew he wanted to be a pastor by age nine, and felt called to be a pastor when he was fifteen. He obviously didn’t begin pastoring right away, and actually wanted to pursue music.  In his early thirties, God drew him back to his desire to pastor, and now ministry is his life’s work!

If God has placed a calling on your life that you KNOW is there, don’t ignore it. Remember Pastor Scott’s words: “What you decided now echoes into eternity.” What you do now does not just affect the present. Decisions should be made in light of eternity. All for His glory!