How to be a Giver

In order to be a truly generous person, you need to do three things. The first thing is to realize what you’ve got! When you know what you have, how it blesses your life, and how it could bless others, you’re seeing the bigger picture. It’s true that our STUFF can become a distraction. We may even start to idolize the things we have. For some of you, if you were to wreck your car, you’d be absolutely devastated. Why? Because some people put their hope and identify in material objects. Jesus said the most important commandment is for us to love God and others, not ourselves. View your possessions as God’s possessions, to be used for His glory.

The second thing you need to do to be a generous person is to realize what’s expected! None of us like it when we see someone else being greedy. Generosity is not just some random idea, but a theme seen all throughout the Scriptures: “Don’t be stingy as your wine vats fill up.” (Exodus 22:29) People are quick to project what they might do with what they don’t currently have, such as an excess of money to bless people with. But you always have something to give right where you’re at.

The third and final thing you need to do is realize that giving is the key to living!  You’re constantly presented with opportunities to give to others; there are people in need asking for money all over our city. Instead of always looking the other way, pretending you don’t see them, or saying “No,” pause and ask God, “Is this someone you want me to give to?” He answers you when you pray! Consider 1 Timothy 6:18, which says, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” When God entrusts you with money and possessions, you need to turn around and continue to share! What can you give away this week? What do you have plenty of that you could bless someone with? I’ll leave you with this—God hasn’t given us what we have as cash to stash; He has entrusted us with money to manage!