What’s so special about Palm Sunday?

I confess, I haven’t always taken the week before Easter to talk about Palm Sunday and the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. A lot of the time we’re either wrapping up a series or kicking off a new one on that day so Palm Sunday has been sort of forgotten, while Easter takes a front row seat.

It’s understandable: Easter is ginormous and it takes a huge amount of effort to get ready for it. But what really happened on the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey?

  1. People cheered – check.
  2. Waived palm branches – check.
  3. Threw cloaks on the path for Jesus to ride over – check.
  4. Shouted “Hosanna” in unison – check.

So what?!

Growing up, there was something that always bothered me about Palm Sunday. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance at the churches I attended on this special day, but they were usually long on celebration and short on explanation. So I just kept on wondering … and wondering … and wondering.

Well this year I wanted to make sure this won’t be the case at Summit Church so I dove into the scriptures, read commentaries, listened to sermons and read books on the subject.

In the end, God’s simple truth about this climatic day of extreme importance in the life of Christ came to me from quiet reflection in His Word.

The Bible will never cease to amaze me! It is more than a book – it is the very Words of God. It’s alive and unchanging! I learned a lot in preparation for this message and I’m now heading toward this weekend and the Easter weekend more excited than ever, with a greater sense of expectation God will move in a mightier way than we’ve ever seen!

I now better understand what is so special about Palm Sunday, and I can’t wait to share that with you!

So remember your homework Summitiers: Invite! Invite! Invite!