- Last Wednesday was our very first Midweek Service at Grace and it was very well received! I can’t remember the last time so many people came up and thanked me for offering something so vitally needed. Many at Grace desire to take their Christian walk ever deeper—to learn more about God’s glorious book—the Living Word—the Bible. Still others are looking forward to having a special time and place to celebrate the Lord’s supper (Communion) and still more people are especially looking forward to taking worship to a whole notha level! <– It’s a word now! If you were unable to make it—you can remedy that THIS Wednesday evening by swinging by the church at 6:30 for food and fellowship (You can preorder your Chick-Fil-A here). Or, bring your own food for a time of fellowship and connecting with others who are just like you at Grace! This will be followed by worship and expository teaching though God’s Word. Hope to see even more out this week!
- This weekend is the third message in our Impact series called, “Mark the World.” Join us as we learn more about how God has called GCC beyond our local communities to the world at large. Did you know that Grace is making a huge impact in places like, India, Haiti, Mexico, and beyond? Ever wonder what it’s like to minister in a foreign land? Ever been on a short term mission trip? Find out how you can this weekend at GCC. Oh, and BTW, if you missed the first two messages in the series—you can get them HERE.
- Besides the fact that my entire family will be together this week—I have a HUGE announcement to make as we wrap up our Impact series these next two Sundays. I promise you will NOT want to miss this! So, move heaven and earth to be there (or just Tivo the Broncos game)—you’ll be glad you did!