My Second Favorite Day Ever!

My favorite days as a minister—bar none—have to be days of great harvest! I’m talking about all the days over the years when hundreds of people bent the knee to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! I’m talking about those formerly estranged from their Creator being adopted into the family of God because they received the free gift of salvation bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus on an old rugged cross two thousand years ago! Those days can’t be beat because it’s like watching a metamorphosis take place before your very eyes. The Bible puts it like this…

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

But this post isn’t about my favorite days ever. Most of you who follow my blog already know this about me. But guess what’s a very, very, very close second?

When these same people go public with their faith through baptism! I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten through one of these services without crying. Seriously, they are that impactful!


Because these are the people who are clearly moving from fan to follower. And I’m not talking about the nebulous Facebook or Twitter followers of today. I’m talking about unashamed, fired up, take up their cross, bona fide followers of Jesus Christ, as not only Savior, but also as Lord! And instead of asking Jesus to fit in with their schedule and their life—those who step out to identify with Jesus Christ His way (through baptism) are essentially saying, “You’re in the driver seat now, Jesus. From this day forward, I’m living for you!”

Ever been a part of one of these services?

Have questions?

Sound scary?

Want to know more?

Watch the video above and see one of these celebration events for yourself. Then show up at Grace Community Church on Ma7 17th for a challenging message about what it means to follow Jesus…followed immediately by a baptism celebration (both after the 9:00 am and the 11:00 services).

And, if you are one of the 124 people who committed your life to Jesus this past Easter–this baptism is for you! Or, if you trusted Christ long ago but never took this step of obedience and would like to now. Sign up here.

Oh, and invite everyone you know because the gospel will go out again and I promise you the Holy Spirit will be all over this service!!