Invite Culture


At Grace Community Church, we know the Lord is calling us to have an “Invite Culture.” But what exactly does that mean?

  • That we invite people to church all the time?
  • That we invite people to lunch after church?
  • That we invite people to sit with us?
  • That we invite people to our Lifegroup?
  • That we invite people to serve alongside us in a ministry?
  • That we include them at Christmastime and Easter?

All of the above.

All of the above and then some. A culture is never just one thing. It takes a lot of variables to develop a culture and even more to make that culture unique. If we want to have an invite culture at GCC then inviting others to join us in everything we do needs to become second nature.

With this in mind, let’s start with baby steps. THIS Sunday (as in tomorrow)  we’ll hear what God’s Word has to say about activating the power of God in our lives and we want you to invite your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers–and anyone else who longs for less religion about God and more relationship with God.

And how do we all get started in this?

Simple, “Find Someone.”

Love needs a target. Cupid would be out of business if he had no one to shoot those love arrows at, right? And churches would die if they weren’t kept vibrant and growing by new believers. So, perhaps we can begin thinking about coming to church as a ‘group thing.’ Yeah, it’s different. Sure, it might stretch us all at first. But that’s how an invite culture comes about–one step at a time. Tomorrow—that’s the first step.

Simply find someone.

Ask God to bring someone into your life (or, more likely, to bring someone to mind that is already in your life) who desperately needs hope. This should be easy, because everyone desperately needs hope–and that hope is ultimately found in none other than Jesus!

I’ll get even more specific than that. Find someone who is struggling right now. Pray about connecting with someone who is keenly aware of their need for change right now—someone who can’t help but look up because they have hit the bottom and there’s no where else to look for answers. And then just offer them the simple hope of someone to go to church with.

It’s amazing how something so small can mean so much.

We all need Grace!